IQ Power is a formulation specifically designed for individuals who need extended mental stamina and motivation. The primary active ingredient, phenylethylamine, has proven to be a biomarker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Patients diagnosed with ADHD have decreased urinary output of phenylethylamine (1). The synergistic effect of the ingredients in IQ Power delivers the boost of energy and concentration you need to maintain focus for several hours. IQ Power ingredients are carefully dosed for maximum effect with minimum side effects, are metabolized slowly, and will not leave you feeling de-energized and low.

For Better Mental Focus
· Mental Clarity
· Energy Boost
· Better Concentration
· Increases Alertness

Ingredients: β-phenylethylamine, Caffeine, Hordenine

Warnings: NOT INTENDED FOR ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18. Prior to consumption of IQ POWER as with any other stimulant based product, start with a lower dose to assess tolerance and sensitivity. Consult with your doctor prior to consuming IQ POWER. IQ POWER is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease. Consult with your health care provider prior to use if you are taking antidepressant medications such as TCAs or MAOIs, or if you have high blood pressure. It is not recommended to consume IQ POWER with other nutraceutical products (e.g. bitter orange extract, synephrine, octopamine, ephedra) or drugs that increase blood pressure and/or heart rate. Consumption with other caffeine-containing products such as medications, coffee, tea, colas, guarana and yerba mate is not recommended. If you develop a hypersensitivity or experience an allergic reaction to IQ POWER, discontinue use. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.